Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This beautiful painting came from here:
and the artist is apparently Robin Street-Morris
it's titled Firefly watching II
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I've posted it because the fireflies have shown up just recently & i can't figure out how to capture their ephemeral beauty. I was poking about on Google Images and came across this so here i am, sharing it with you.
I am also sharing with you an invitation to come on out to Hearth Hill & experience our fireflies for yourself. It's amazing out here on summer evenings. The stars, the fireflies and the river, not to mention the incredible peaceful quiet.

We're having hoping to break up some of that quiet with a Summer Solstice Party/Campout. And basically, if you're reading this, you're invited. We've got lots of room for campers, both outside & indoors if you are of a more delicate disposition. Bring your kids, your dogs, yourself, some food to share, any music making devices you've got, fireworks if you've got those & come on out for a summer solstice celebration you won't soon forget.

I'm not going to get more specific than that in this forum, because i do have some worries about folks that i or my friends don't already know showing up, but if you are interested just drop me a line: and i'll give you directions, dates, etc.

Hope to watch some stars, fireflies & fireworks with you soon!

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